Refund Policy

At the time of raising a request for return or cancelling of the Products on the 5t Fittings Platform, you may seek refund for the Non-Compliant Product. Such a refund will be made to you only in the event the payment has been received by us for the Products.
Please be informed that when you opt to cancel or return the Products, upon the returned Products reaching our warehouse and our verification and assessment of the Products and the documents relating thereto, the refund amount for such Products which are eligible for return as per the terms of this Policy, will be processed within a period of 5 (five) business day from the date of us verifying the defect or the non-compliance in the Product. Your refund will be processed only when the conditions as may be stipulated by us in this Policy are fulfilled, including but not limited to the Product being returned is in original condition without any defect or damage, along with the price tag intact including original packaging of the Product, the brand outer packaging of the Product and all accessories therein. For the sake of abundant clarity, it is clarified that we shall not make any refund in respect of a Product that is deemed ineligible for a refund based on our verification and assessment. Once the returned Products reaches our warehouse and our verification and assessment of the Products and the documents relating thereto are duly conducted and the Products are found to be Non-compliant Products, then the refund amount will be credited to your original payment mode except if the payment has been made by cash then the refund shall be made in the form of coupon on 5 Fittings Platform. You acknowledge that after initiation of refund and the same being duly assessed and verified from our end in accordance with the terms contained in this Policy, it may take 3 (three) to 7 (seven) business days for your refund to reflect in your account which is also subject to your financial institution or payment solution provider terms and conditions.
We do not make any cash refunds. However, if the refund does not happen by the date advised, you may contact us, and we will gladly help you.
Refund for returns generated without acceptance of delivery shall be made to the User and shall not include any amount paid towards shipping charges or any other such charges applicable from time to time. However, in the event a Product has been delivered with a defect or damage (for reasons attributable to, and accepted by us after due verification at its sole discretion) we may refund the shipping charges to you.
We reserve the right to reject a refund request for a Product if it does not satisfy the quality conditions specified under this Policy on our assessment pursuant to its return. We may in such cases notify you and send the returned Product back without initiating a refund.
If your booked order is returned due to non-payment of balance amount as per order, we will be charging the shipping cost before refund of advance amount paid. On repetition of returns due to non-payment of balance will lead to penalties along with shipping charges which will be deducted from the advance paid before refund.

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